Name: Thess
Nickname: Crazy
Place of Living: Karlstad
Date of Birth: 15 dec
Height: 170 cm~
Eye colour: Green
Size of Shoes: 39-40
School/work: nope
Do You Smoke?: yep Corner 100's or Right 100's when i'm rich^^
Hobbies: things like these.. i need help
Brothers/sisters: Brother (26)
Are You Single?: YES
Piercing: nipples, lower lip and 13 in ears
Tattoo: 13?
Favourite Country: Sweden
Nicest person you met this year: uhm... don't think i met anyone out of the ordinary.. Well Lia ofc:):)
Who would you really like to meet: depends, i'd have to be drunk to even try to meet anyone special
Who’s your idol?: Lots of ppl, these days i look up to ppl that manage living on
Most sexy persons: Ville Valo, Mark Lanegan... HANK.. haha
What do you hate: Ppl that think they are better than everyone else, lies or being betrayed in some way, narrowminded fuck-tards
Favourite car: Chevrolet Impala '64
Favourite movie: Kevin Smith's, The big lebowski, natural born killers, nightmare before x-mas, fellowship of the rings......... yadda yadda sooo on
Favourite Music: Almost everything... minus crap:D
Favourite city: CARTAGENA!!!
Favourite teddy bear: say what.. i have a cat, that's better:)
Favourite parfume: Something cheep since i almost never use perfume
Favourite Sound:Speedwaybikes, music
Favourite TV-series: there's a bunch as most of you know
Favourite Writer: Minette Walters, Emile Zola.. and all the great fanfic writers out there, THANK YOU for making my life worth living:)
Favourite Actor: Gabriel Byrne
Favourite actress: No idea.. Juliette Lewis maybe
Favourite Colour: Pink, Black and something in between
Favourite Song Ever: I have NO idea, I have so many favorites.. but right now "destination Hell" with Turbonegro
Favourite Song Now: see above^^
Favourite Food: Asian, spanish, italian
Favourite Course on School: drawing
Favourite Drink: Beer, vodka/redbull
Favourite Number: 3
What Do You Like About Yourself: Not much right now
Which deodorant do you use: Nivea
Which Shoes do you prefer to wear: Getta Grip or cheap Converse Knock-off's
At what Time are you going to sleep on weekdays: That's hard to say, usually don't sleep during night
What do you think is romantic: Music, movies.. the only proof romance actually exists:)
Are you rather outside or inside: Matter of what mood i'm in
What do you do in the weekends: Not much these days, but i'd like to party like before, if I still have the energy:D:D
Which course don’t you like on school?: Math
What are your favourite clothes: Jeans and t-shirt
What food don’t you like?: Blood-food, and i'm trying to cut down on meat cos i hate the smell of it
Pets: Tozz (cat)
Laughing or Dreaming: I'm always dreaming more or less, but i'd like to laugh more
Serious or Funny: Depends on what's the situation
Fast or Slow: Fast
Being single or having a relationship: I'd rather be single than being with the wrong guy forever
Simple or Difficult: Nothing is simple in life, or maybe it's just me making it difficult
Summer or Winter: Winter /fall
Sex or alcohol: That's a hard one... One usually leads to another so i'll start with alcohol^^
Stay up late or going to bed early: I wish I could go to bed early without being awake 42h
Light or Dark: It's a matter of balance, don't like one without the other
Dogs or cats: Cats are easier, but I love dogs too
Big or little men: Don't care
Paper or Magazine: Magazine
Hug or Kiss: Hug
Happy or Sad: again, can't have one without the other
Life or Death: We all die don't we:P
Left or Right: right (since "Leftie" isn't available^^)
Alternative or normal:Normal is just a crappy word
Brown or blonde: Brown though I'd like to be able to change it a heartbeat^^
Are there aliens: not like the ones in movies, but something must be out there somewhere
What will be your last words before you die: No idea, hopefully "I Love You"
Do you believe in the ‘One’: Yes, I also believe in not ever meeting him
How many children do you want: I'd like to meat someone worth having kids with first thank you
The best feeling in the world: beeing well rested, i don't remember what it feels like though.. other than that... love i suppose
The worst feeling in the world: dissapointment and envy
What frightens you: Living
Can you get emotional: I'm extremely emotional these days:S
Do you cry with movies: Hell yeah, I cry to almost everything
Dream for when I’m older: So many of them, and I wouldn't tell:D
Dream man: moahahha take a wild guess
What was your first thought this morning: This afternoon~ got to feed the cat to make him shut up:)
As what kind of animal you would like to return?: I don't want to do that, I would probably end up like a mosquito or tic, dreadful thought
What’s the most beautiful thing of a man’s body: Eyes, hands
Most original place to propose: Uhm, havn't tried it really
Weirdest place you ever had sex: haha, the famous "never-again-backseat-of-the-car-in-Spain" place
Place where you would want to have sex: A bed works for me
ok, men glöm nu inte inlägget under för fan!!!:P
Im your Christ and I want you...

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